I just wanted to let everyone know that I am not missing, instead I have ventured into the wonderful world of my own website! is now live. Although it is not completed, I am slowly transitioning my posts over to the new site. Please please please go check it out and subscribe via email. I will be adding a lot more ways to follow me, but for now, please subscribe via email.

Looking into the window of my soul.

Zentangle 19

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Well this is my interpretation of my soul.

There is beauty and color, but there is also structure and stability. There are depths of my soul that are untouched and hidden. I have fallen in love with my soul. My soul is music and my soul is poetry. My soul aches for mankind and my soul rejoices for our achievements.

My soul is complicated, yet simple.

I would love to see your own view of your soul. Please comment below.